Top Foodies Back Mencap For ‘Wëëker’ Weekend

A leading independent food company, Indie Füde has selected Mencap NI as its charity of the year and are promising a ‘weeker’ weekend in London as part of the backing of their plans to support the work of the learning disability charity.

Within weeks of announcing Mencap NI as its charity for 2019/20 Indie Füde has raised almost £2,000 – a figure set to rise when the ‘Wëëker’ event takes place at the Royal Academy of Arts London Summer Festival on July 20.

Chef Will Brown and Indie Füde will provide catering for the event, with Mencap NI there fundraising and promoting its work.

In addition, anyone ordering Indie Füde products online, or booking events can make a donation.

Johnny McDowell, Chief Taster, Indie Fude said: “Wëëker are really honoured to partner with Mencap NI, we are all about local and Mencap NI are a local charity that that are close to the hearts of both our lead chef, Will Brown, and our local food purveyors, Indie Fude.

From left: Terese Wilson (Events & Area Fundraising Manager Mencap NI), Johnny McDowell (Chief Taster at Indie Fude) and Sean Conlon (Senior Events & Area Fundraising Manager Mencap NI) celebrate Mencap NI and Indie Fude partnership.

“We are so excited by this prestigious event and believe we can bring a sense of pride, for not only the produce of Northern Ireland, but to all the people of Northern Ireland also.

“We are delighted to be joined by the Mencap NI team on night in London to help raise much needed funds for Northern Ireland people with learning disabilities through collections in the Royal Academy of Arts on the evening, and also through our live artist, Andy Laird from Comber, who will donate from his takings on the night to Mencap NI. It really is going to be weeker!”

Sean Conlon, Senior Events & Area Fundraising Manager (NI) explained what the backing will provide: “The partnership presents us with some exciting opportunities to collaborate with Indie Füde and raise some much-needed funds to support local people with a learning disability,” he said.

“We’ve been inspired by the passion that the team at Indie Füde put into their work supporting local food suppliers and look forward to working alongside them through our new partnership.

“The money raised through the partnership will make a huge difference to local people living with a learning disability.”

From left: Chef Will Brown (Weeker), Sean Conlon (Senior Events & Area Fundraising Manager Mencap NI), Terese Wilson (Events & Area Fundraising Manager Mencap NI) and Johnny McDowell (Chief Taster at Indie Fude) celebrate Mencap NI and Indie Fude partnership.

Johnny from Indie Füde recently attended a number of Mencap NI events and was inspired by the work undertaken.

“Being local is a huge thing for Indie Füde, we only stock from the island of Ireland and felt very strongly about supporting local people in Northern Ireland,” he said.

“We have some exciting ideas for events that will be announced over the coming months, since agreeing the partnership a few weeks ago Indie Füde have already raised almost £2,000 for Mencap NI.”

Find out more about how you can help Mencap NI at

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