Social Media Services Creating a Bridge Between Your Brand & Your Audience

At Excalibur Press, we specialise in social media services that resonate with your audience, delivering your brand’s message with clarity and precision.

Publicity Management Excalibur Press Belfast Northern Ireland

Services / Social Media

Social Media Management & Planning Services in Belfast, Northern Ireland

Running an effective social media presence takes time which could be better spent doing what you do best.

We offer a social media management service from creating, scheduling and posting content across your social media channels to raise the visibility of your brand to your target audience.

Contact us today to see how we can raise your profile and give you back valuable time.

Our Social Media Management Services Include

Social Media Plan & Strategy

Content Brainstorming

Regular Social Media Posts

Training & Consultations

Social Media Management

Graphics, Photography & Videography

Blogging & Website Content

Social Media Advertising

Supercharge your social media today

Partner with Excalibur Press and we’ll take all the hassle and stress out of managing your social media daily giving you more time to do what you do best!

1. Optimise your socials

We will work with you to ensure all your social channels are up to date and have all the right information in the right place for your customers. We can do this by carrying out an in-depth audit of your social media channels and deliver you a report detailing our recommendations. And, if you need us to, we can help you execute the recommendations afterwards.

2. Social media strategy & plan

Our team, whilst working closely with you, will create a social media strategy and plan for anything from 1-month upwards. Giving you structure and focus on what needs to be posted, how and when by working with our team on your social media strategy and planning you can get ahead of your seasonal posting and create a strong infrastructure to leave you and your team free to post agile content as and when it happens.

3. Content brainstorming

We will work with you to create a content ideas and brainstorming report that you can either use whilst working with our team, give to your staff or other 3d party agency or execute yourself. This will include everything from content topics and ideas to styles, types and what functions you should be using on each channel and how.

4. Regular social media posts

We take all the hassle out of having to update your social channels every month. Working with you the Excalibur Press content creation team can create a series of monthly posts ready for you to approve and, once approved, schedule to go out on all your social platforms.

5. Social media management

Is monitoring your social media messages, comments and tags getting too much for you to handle? Do you just not have the time (or the want) to be constantly monitoring your social channels? Let one of the Excalibur Press team become your social media manager. Not only will we monitor and respond to relevant queries and tags but we’ll also highlight important messages and posts to you.

6. Graphics, photography and videography

Whether you want to engage with a professional designer or just need help setting up, shaping and creating templates in your Canva account let us take the stress out of your graphic design. Not only do we have a talented team in-house but we work with amazing professional partners who can create eye-catching and striking graphics for you.

Maybe you want to supercharge your photography and videography? Excalibur Press have both an in-house team and we work with partners to be able to bring you a wide range of photographic and videography styles.

7. Blogging & website content

Do you need to get the content sorted in order to give you something to post on social media? Let our professional copywriters and editors take the stress out of writing landing pages, website content, blog posts and news items. Not only will our team create the content for you but they can even write the social posts to go along with the content.

8. Training & consultations

Is it time to get yourself and your staff up to speed on how to best streamline your social media activity? Maybe you want to empower your staff to be able to create their own strategies, plans and content? If so, the Excalibur Press team of trainers can create bespoke group training sessions or 1-to-1 consultations to help you and your staff become more confident in social media.

9. Social media advertising

Working with our partners we can help you create, deliver and run an advertising campaign for your brand, product or service.

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"I have now attended 3 webinars with Tina and I have thoroughly enjoyed each one. Tina gave me the confidence to deliver my first online course and the feedback from the participants was amazing. I couldn't have asked for better. Thanks Tina for brilliant jam packed sessions giving me the confidence to just get out there and do it!"
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