Cosplayers Take Centre Stage At Q-Con 2019

The wonderful, colourful world of Cosplay will once again take centre stage at Ireland’s top gaming and anime convention, Q-Con, from Friday, August 30 to Sunday, September 1 at Queen’s University campus, Belfast.

Cosplay is the artistic hobby that sees people create costumes and dress up as their favourite characters from anime, manga, movies, video games, comic books or TV series.

Hundreds of pounds and hours are invested in producing or commissioning the best costumes, making the reproductions as exact as possible… but there’s plenty of room for those who just want to throw something together or marvel at everyone else’s hard work.

“It is a wonderful community that has grown greatly in the past 15 years both locally and internationally,” said Ben Harrison of Q-Con. 

“It brings fellow cosplay enthusiasts and artists together to have a bit of fun and to create something that can be appreciated by all.

“For some it’s even a gateway to a creative career in film and television that they are passionate about.”

The Cosplay community has been burgeoning for years in Northern Ireland and Q-Con is the hub for hundreds of devotees. Across the weekend watch out for the wonderful costumes in and around Queens.

A Cosplay Fashion Show, Cosplay Blind Date and Cosplay Talent Show are among the many events at Q-Con over the weekend.

Hosted by QUB Dragonslayers Q-Con promises a host of events, including an appearance from the creator of the classic game ‘Doom’, John Romero, who will challenge you “to beat him at his own game” as well as an exclusive meet and greet.

With 26-years-experience behind their belts the volunteer Dragonslayers know how to lay on three days of fantastic – in all senses – experiences.

“Since we began in a few rooms at Queen’s with 150 people Q-Con has exploded in popularity and excitement,” said Ben. 

“We’re working hard to make 2019 even better. From video gaming to tabletop gaming, or live text adventure in The Dark Room, through to our cosplay events we are packing the weekend out.”

Designed by gaming and anime fans Q-Con attracts people from across the UK and Ireland and further afield, with last year seeing a five percent increase in attendees. People from all ages are present throughout the weekend, with Sunday being especially accessible for families.

“When we see so many people around the university district coming along on trains, buses and in cars dressed up as their favourite comics, games and anime characters it shows just how popular gaming and anime has become, and how Q-Con caters for a demographic so often missed by the mainstream media,” added Ben.

Taking place across the Queen’s campus, including the Whitla Hall, Elmwood Hall, Queen’ Film Theatre, the Computer Science Building and many other venues it is essential to plan your weekend to pack as much in as you can.

For more information and tickets go to


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