tina calder

Excalibur Press Owner Tina Calder To Deliver Women In Business Masterclass On Press & Publicity

Women in Business can not only win the media war to gain the right publicity at the right time, but they can make sure their press and social media space works for them according to content expert, Tina Calder of Excalibur Press.

Tina will be delivering these key messages at a Women in Business event this coming Thursday (February 28) entitled ‘How to Win at Press and Publicity’ at The Mac Belfast.

She said: “In a world where a great story and engaging content have become vital elements of all sales, marketing, publicity and communication strategies, it’s absolutely essential your brand develops a clear, concise and cohesive voice in order to effectively grasp the attention of your audience, customers, clients, colleagues and corporate partners.

“A great story and engaging content have become vital elements of all sales, marketing, publicity and communication strategies.”

Whether a company director, senior manager or an entrepreneur who wants to engage with the media at the event Tina will outline how to increase businesses profile, how to engage with the press, leverage social media, and some of the inside secrets to maximise time and save money.

“While the growth of online media and social and digital marketing has seemingly become more popular for individuals and businesses in recent years, it’s important not to forget, or indeed, ignore the importance of traditional press and publicity strategies,” she said.
“Despite there being a much more competitive landscape when it comes to trying to secure print, broadcast and online coverage it’s easier than ever before to identify who you need to speak to and communicate your message directly in a manner they can use.

“The power of engaging with the media, whether traditional or new such as bloggers and influencers, should not be under-estimated.

“From being able to hit profile building and search engine optimisation goals to communicating with your customers, clients and stakeholders connecting with your local, national or international media can help to bolster short term goals and achieve long term aims.”

A limited number of tickets to the event are available now via https://www.womeninbusinessni.com/Events/WIB-Events/Masterclasses/How-To-Win-At-Press-Publicity.aspx

Priced at £45 (+VAT) for Women in Business members and £65 (+VAT) for non-members this event is key to anyone wanting to carve a path to successful communications.


About the speaker

Northern Ireland’s Content Queen, Tina Calder is a journalist and commentator of 20 years, a publicist of 12 and a multi-platform media professional. The Belfast entrepreneur owns publicity management agency Excalibur Press based in the city’s Cathedral Quarter. From travelling across the UK and Ireland as a showbiz reporter, publicist and tour manager to becoming an award winning business journalist, Tina uses her varied and colourful career experiences to deliver bespoke publicity and communications strategies. 

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