Hair Friendly Owner Raises Thousands For Macmillan Cancer

The owner of the Hair Friendly salon in Belfast’s Cathedral Quarter has raised almost £4,000 for Macmillan Cancer Support by opening her garden to clients, family and friends.

Christine Boyles explained that after her mum passed away from cancer several years ago, she invested much of the money she left her into her beloved garden – and had an ‘open day’ in aid of the Northern Ireland Hospice.

After doing more work to the garden in recent years she thought she’d organise a similar venture.

“The Macmillan Cancer Support nurses really helped my mum so much so this time I thought I would do it for them.

“It was forecast to rain and I was praying like mad – but in the end it was a lovely sunny day.

“I was just so pleased for everyone who had helped that their hard work paid off – people who washed the dishes, did the baking, sold the ballots, etc. They were all amazing,” said Christine.

Maria Small, Fundraising Manager for Macmillan Cancer Support – who called at Hair Friendly to collect the cheque for almost £3,700 – said: “Without people like Christine and the support she received from local people and businesses, Macmillan wouldn’t be able to fund our personal services.

“We don’t get any government funding so we rely on members of the general public holding events to help us provide things like our Macmillan nurses, patient grants and vital information services right across Northern Ireland.”

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