First Dates On Local Mums Chat Show Event Mother Tongue Released

A unique and fun night for mums, Mother Tongue, goes on tour this autumn with dates in Belfast and Omagh.

The event, created by Mothership Events, gives panellists and attendees the chance to talk about the challenges of being a mother in 2019.

From hilarious stories and serious discussions to interesting revelations, the Mother Tongue events are a chance to meet other mums and talk about issues that affect them every day and enjoy a laugh together.

The Belfast event takes place on September 19 at the Black Box, while the Omagh show on October 10 will be at the Silverbirch Hotel.

Founder of Mother Tongue, Treena Clarke explained that there are too few chances for mums to get together that these events are a must.

“How often do we, as mums plan to meet up with our girlfriends and we need to get a date in the diary months in advance. It’s so hard juggling everything and we often forget about ourselves in the midst of work, kids, family and life in general,” she said

“The Mother Tongue events were created as a space to give mums the chance to not only get together but to meet other mums and talk about everything that affects us as mums – one guest from the last event called it ‘Like Loose Women only talking mums stuff with wine’.

“We talk about stuff that matters but we also have a laugh”.

Both the Belfast and Omagh events are packed with fascinating expert speakers –  as well as a virtual goody bag of discount vouchers worth £150 and the chance to win prizes with the ‘Treat Seat’ special.

Event host is business owner, commentator and mum Tina Calder.

“When it comes to being a mum it’s easy to think you’re the only person in the world worrying about the small stuff.  It’s also easy to think you’re failing when you’re trying your absolute best,” she said.

“What I love about these Mother Tongue events is that we can all just sit back, relax and be honest with one another about the things that worry us, annoy us, scare us or just generally make us laugh.

“Becoming a mum was the single most amazing thing that’s ever happened in my life and for reasons I’ve never been able to explain it gave me a confidence, drive and ambition that I’d never had before.

Mother Tongue is a safe place to talk about all those things that bring us joy and heartache through our powerful journey of motherhood.

“Not just that, there’s a glass of wine and a lot of laughs, it’s the perfect girls’ night out.”

Both events will see five speakers take to the stage, with supper included in the price – with the bar open when the event starts at 7pm.

Tickets for both events are available here:

Speakers in Belfast will be:

Maria Rafferty – The Healthy Hormone Coach
Michelle Bradley  – Author
Sinead Sharkey Steenson – Generation Women/Career Reboot
Mags McAlpin – Creating Retail Magic Laura Steerman – Quaint Baby Ultrasound Steph Willis Lawlor – MumsNI

Speakers in Omagh will be:

Sinead Wilcox – Sinead Wilcox Consulting
Orla McIvor – Eden Energy Practitioner
Sinead Sharkey Steenson – Generation Women/Career Reboot
Sinead Norton – Mums at Work Laura Steerman – Quaint Baby Ultrasound

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