3 Essential Ingredients For Every Blog Post

When it comes to creating a blog or writing a blog post there are plenty of important elements you need to practically create and distribute it.

However, way before you consider any functional information or content you might need, there are three absolutely essential components required.

No matter who I’m speaking to in relation to writing blogs I always start with these same three things:

1. Passion

2. Authenticity

3. Headline

There are a few more important elements that should be considered also – but these are for a later date (or blog):

4. Purpose & Goal

5. Writing Style

6. Audience

7. Call To Action

8. Distribution

9. Imagery….and more!

However, without passion, authenticity and a good headline there’s really no point going any further.

1. Passion

The absolute crux of any successful blog is the fact that the person writing it is usually absolutely obsessed with the subject matter. Readers can tell when there passion behind a blog post. They will know if it’s not something you really care about and this will affect how they interact with you, your blog or your brand.

One of the biggest problems in the blogging sphere is people writing about what they think their audience want to read, or worse still, trying to cater their blog to suit the PR world so that they can avail of event invitations and freebies.

There’s nothing wrong with having specific sections of your blog that cover these other elements but the main content needs to be something the audience can connect with you on a more personal and emotional level.

2. Authenticity

I cannot stress this enough. Being authentic has to be something you take very seriously in your blogging.

Staying true to yourself, your passions, your ethics and more will help your audience connect with you on a personal level – the same way they might with a friend or work colleague. This will encourage loyalty towards you, your blog or brand.

A big part of being authentic is being able to connect with your true passions in your blog. You and your blog don’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to live up to the other bloggers you know, love or follow.

By being your true self you will find a wonderful unique selling point of your blog which, if you want to down the line, will help you monetise and commercialise in a way that works for you and your audience.

3. Headline

Let’s be honest, there’s no point crafting a perfectly written blog post full of passion for your subject and a beautiful sense of authenticity if your headline doesn’t convey any of this.

It’s important to really consider:

  • What is contained in your blog that your audience will want to know?
  • What types of headlines are they already consuming in similar blogs or via your competitors?
  • What headline formulas are working for your audience?

There are a lot of headline generator tools out there but there’s also no shame in using some of the formulas you see everywhere by tailoring them to suit your blog post.

Examples include:

The secret XXXX behind XXXX to XXXX
The world needs more happy, here’s some…
A XXXX in XX pictures
Ways to XXXX
XX questions XXX ask XXXX
Reasons to XXXX
Great ways to XXXX
How to XXXX
Reasons you should XXXX
I XXXX but after watching this I XXXX
She XXXX the result was XXXX
Boost your XXXX by XXXX
Here’s an amazing XXXX
Try this XXXX to XXXX
This XXXX explains why XXXX
Why you should XXXX
Can you really XXXX
XX tips to XXXX
What is XXXX
The XX benefits of XXXX
Natural ways to XXXX
XX signs of XXXX
XX symptoms of XXXX
Best ways to XXXX
What kind of XXXX
Ideal for XXXX
Why do XXXX
Pictures that will make you XXXX
The future of XXXX is here XXXX
XX homemade tips / ideas / solutions
Get rid of XXXX
Beginners guide to XXXX
The truth about XXXX
The basics of XXXX
What are XXXX
Did you know XXXX
Is this XXXXX

No matter what you do with your blog, don’t overthink it. Don’t forget you can amend, edit, rethink, refresh or unpublish at any time.

A published blog that you can improve is better than no blog at all!


Do you need help blogging for your business or reaching out to the press and media?

At Excalibur Press we have a team of over 12 publicists, content creators, copywriters, journalists and bloggers in a variety of specialisms writing blogs, website content, video, photography and more for clients on a daily basis.

If you would like to speak to a content creator or publicist or would like more information about our rates and process just call 07305354209 or email [email protected].uk

Find out more about Excalibur Press at excaliburpress.co.uk

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