10 Top Tips For Working From Home

With the current precautions being ramped up in light of the Covid-19 pandemic many companies are advising staff to work from home. Equally, if someone in a household shows symptoms current guidelines are that the household will have to self-isolate for at least 14 days.

But for many this will be the first time they have worked from home, as opposed to just checking emails.

Michelle Tyson from Tyson Wilson Recruitment said: “After the euphoria of not having to commute passes the reality is that working from home is still putting in the hours for your employer.

“It’s important to get it right from the beginning because showing that you can be productive from home will help to protect your job and help your employer stabilise the company in these uncertain times.”

Here are Michelle’s top tips:

1. Routine

“With all the distractions in the household, it is vital that from day one you establish a routine. That includes starting at the appropriate time, taking the same breaks as you would if still in the office” explained Michelle.

2. Workspace

Whether it’s a bedroom, dining room, or the conservatory you need to have a space that you can set up all the equipment you need, including some extra areas if needed. Try to avoid spaces used by the rest of the family such as the living room or kitchen.

3. Family

When working from home it is important to make sure that everyone knows that you will not be available for every whim. Tell your partner, and your children when you are taking a break.

4. Communication

Michelle said: “It is important for your work, and your morale, to keep in touch with your manager and colleagues. However, as well as email and phone calls Skype, Facetime and other devices means you can engage in virtual meetings that may be required. And, it’s one good reason why you shouldn’t just work in your pyjamas.”

5. VPN

If your employer has a Virtual Private Network, make sure to use that to help protect industrial confidentiality. Otherwise speak to your IT team about ways to keep everything secure.

6. Exercise

You will probably be sitting down for most of the day. Make sure to get up, stretch, move around. You can’t usually do that in the office, but you’re at home. And, get out, walk the dog, jog around the park, just make sure that you get fresh air and daylight.

7. Do something different

You may find that without the distractions of office life and meetings you have a little extra time around lunch or after you’ve completed your daily tasks. Bake, paint, garden -just do something different.

8. Time off

“No weekend, evening or early morning work. If you don’t normally work outside office hours don’t start now” said Michelle.

9. End of day procedure

You’ve finished your tasks for the day, it’s five-to-five. Make a note of what you have completed and a note of tomorrow’s tasks. Close the laptop, pour yourself a cuppa and…relax!

10. Finally

Make working from home fun. Can’t listen to music in the office? Crank up the tunes! Endless coffees and biscuits are on the work from home agenda. No suit/formal work wear, t-shirt, jeans or whatever you are comfortable wearing. No alcohol, however, no matter how tempted you are.

If you are in the position where you need to take a break from your current position or want to add to your income during these uncertain times Tyson Wilson Recruitment are currently recruiting a number of temporary and permanent roles.

For more information email Michelle at info@tysonwilsonrecruitment.co.uk or go to tysonwilsonrecruitment.co.uk/jobs

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