The Self Isolation Survival Guide By Patience Bradley

With self isolating and working from home being a brand new situation for many people, it can be hard to know how to use your time effectively or organise your day. Here’s some top tips on how to survive self isolation:


If You Have To Go Out



Have a separate pair of shoes for leaving the house, the germs can get stuck to the soles of your feet and you don’t want to be walking them through your house. So keep one pair of shoes on your porch and do not bring them inside your house. Similarly have one outfit for wearing outside. Leave a black bin liner on your porch and don’t wear this outfit into your house. This way you are minimising the amount of germs you could be bringing into your home.



Don’t stockpile, just buy what you need. Once you arrive home with your shopping, use a pair of gloves to remove each item from the bag and sanitise it using antibacterial wipes. Then throw the gloves, bag and wipes in an external bin outside your home. This way if these items have been infected at the supermarket, they will be clean for coming into your house. Make this a routine for getting essential supplies.



Whilst you are out keep your distance from other people even if you are simply passing them. Try to go to the supermarket at what might be a less busy time so as to come into contact with as little people as possible. Don’t hug, shake hands with or touch other people as this is what spreads germs. If you and your family are self isolating do not invite other people into your home while doing so, as they could be bringing in germs leading to infection. Being at home is the best place you could be and you want to avoid contaminating this space.


Working From Home


Get Dressed 

There can be an urge when working from home to sit in your pyjamas all day and even stay in bed to do your work. But this can be de-motivating and makes it hard to tell the difference between working and relaxing. You should get up and get dressed everyday, even put some makeup on if it makes you feel normal. Choose one area in your home to sit and work and make that your workspace.


Create Routine

It can be easy to get into a rut being in the house for so long, but try and create a routine in your day. Make an agenda or plan of what you want to do and stick to it. Set an amount of hours you want to work for and what hours those will be. Don’t work outside these hours, use the rest of the time for relaxing or spending with family.


In Isolation


Take up a New Hobby 

Don’t see this time inside as a negative experience, use it to take up a new hobby or do something you’ve always put off. That could be knitting, reading, learning a language. Often in our daily lives we don’t have time for the simple things, so take this time to relax and focus on something new.


Spend Time With Your Family 

With your children being off school, take the time to enjoy their company, as often with work and school you might not get enough time to spend as a family. Organise activities such as games, baking or cooking together or crafts to keep them entertained. Set up competitions or star charts with prizes to motivate your children to do some learning each day.

Former Vogue model and TV dancer Patience Bradley releases her memoirs book Where Do You Go to My Lovely
Pictured: Patience with husband Ivor Bradley
Picture by Debbie Deboo Photography.
Publicist & Publisher: Tina Calder, Excalibur Press, 07982628911 / [email protected]


Adopt a Positive Mindset

It can be very easy to fall into a negative outlook on life during this situation, but there is a lot to be grateful for. Turn off the news and instead write a list of things in your life that you are grateful for. This will give you perspective on the situation. Whilst it might not be ideal to be stuck in the house, be grateful for your health and family.

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