Free Webinars This Week To Help Businesses Move Training Online

Belfast content and publicity company Excalibur Press is continuing support to businesses with two free webinars this week (Wednesday and Thursday) on Setting Up Your First Webinar and Turning Your Face to Face Training into Online Courses.

The webinars are the latest in the ongoing series of webinars hosted by company founder Tina Calder, designed to provide easy to follow guides for business owners.

In these unique online training and support sessions Tina will take delegates through the basics of how to create a webinar, the structure and content and look at areas such as promotional tactics and the technology used to create them.

“As a result of the Covid-19 crisis more and more of our clients at Excalibur Press are asking us to help them with their digital transformation” said Tina.

“From creating online courses and mapping out marketing and sales funnels what the Corona Virus has done is force many entrepreneurs and businesses to fast forward or accelerate their desires to move their services and products online.”

Each of this week’s courses begins at 3pm, featuring video and slide based learning. Places are still available to book.

Wednesday’s session will provide all the lessons needed to create your own webinar, including the essential tools and the tips and tricks for success.

On Thursday Tina will guide through the processes to move training online, including how to audit and analyse offline training before switching to online, including marketing it.

As founder of Excalibur Press publicity management, content creation and copywriting agency Tina has been in the business working in Northern Ireland for the last 20 years and has worked with a number of thought leaders over the years.

She said: “Over the last two years I’ve been intensely studying the world of thought leadership and during that time I’ve been on some pretty decent webinars…and I’ve also caught a turkey or two!

“I wanted to create this series of webinars to help people avoid some of the mistakes I’ve seen so many times.”

After running the free webinars for a number of weeks Tina has noticed the hunger for people, especially small and medium sized businesses to adapt to the current lockdown and adopt techniques, delivery and marketing online.

“These are challenging times, and if we can we should work online and still keep our businesses working,” she said. “I hope that the webinars will help equip people to stay on course, online.

“We’ve set aside an hour and a half for this overview webinar which will help you start thinking about what you need in order to get your own webinars up and running. There will be an opportunity to ask questions throughout.”

Register for Setting Up Your First Webinar? Here’s How I Did It! at

Register for Turning Your Face To Face Training Into An Online Course at

To find out what other free webinars are coming up go to

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