Free Webinar Brings Holistic Approach To Health & Wellbeing

A free webinar from Empowerment Specialist and Transformational Speaker, Deborah King, this week (Thursday, May 28) aims to help you manage your health and wellbeing in these troubling times.

Deborah’s webinar is entitled Learn How Your Body Speaks To You – The Mind, Body, Emotion Connection.

It covers her personal journey of discovery, and how understanding of the mind, emotions and the physical body helped her maintain her own health and wellbeing including recovering from long term depression.

“This webinar will support you to become more in tune with your body to give you a better insight into how you can be in control of your own health,” she said. “As we all work through the difficulties we face during this pandemic I want to help and assist you to look at your health from a different perspective, address what can be done and how to do it”

Lasting an hour, from 7.30pm on Thursday May 28 the webinar will include a question and answer session as well.

Attendees will also hear from Deborah how to understand the connections between the mind, emotions and body, and why problems in the mind, body or soul can manifest physically.

In addition Deborah will discuss how healing mental and emotional trauma can aid physical recovery, and how to identify problems for some common illnesses and diseases.

“This free webinar is my chance to share what I have learned, what I have used, and the understanding that I believe can make a massive difference to your lives now and in the future.”

Register for Deborah’s free webinar here >>

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