Now Is The Time To Think About Re-structuring Your Business

Human resources and recruitment consultancy People HQ has said that now is the time to begin restructuring businesses, as the pandemic has provided an opportunity to consider what changes are needed going forward.

Greg Quinn of People HQ said that when looking at restructuring it is important to seek proper professional support.

“The current business environment means that business needs to plan ahead, make decisions and ensure their strategy and actions are taking advantage of every opportunity available,” he explained.

“Both employers and employees become nervous, even anxious, when change is needed. Yet that need not be the case when it is done in a clearly managed, transparent process, with attention to detail.”

Greg said that there were many reasons to undergo restructuring such as change in strategy, cutting costs or making the business more efficient but all must be approached in a manner that ensures the wellbeing of staff and continuity of business.

“There are several clear steps needed in a restructuring project, and that begins with communications”, he said.

“Communicating with your leadership team and your employees during the restructuring process is essential. By being clear with your team means they won’t feel jarred or blindsided and will allow your team to approach the restructuring as a positive as opposed to something which may threaten them.”

The People HQ boss has more than a quarter of a century experience and said that existing organisational structures have a profound influence on starting restructuring.

“Organisational structure has a profound influence on getting the job done given that it dictates all things from working relationships, to the scope of your teams’ jobs to how they share resources,” he explained.

“When you set out to restructure your organisation, it is essential that you intentionally structure your organisation in a way which serves the company mission and vision and the business strategy.”

Greg said that at the start of the change process it is important to look at the various tasks and workflows within each job.

“This will allow you to compare your current workflow structure to the new one and determine which tasks are still necessary and which ones need to evolve or perhaps can be emitted entirely,” he said.

“This is an important step in the process allowing you to streamline workflows and ensure that each and every role is adding maximum value.”

The process, Greg explained, can lead to changes in staff.

“Unfortunately you may find there are some job roles that are no longer needed, while needing new skills in other roles” he said.

“Re-training is an option as well as recruitment. It is worth noting that you should follow a compliant and appropriate redundancy process at this stage which is in line with employment law.”

The conclusion of the change is a time to make sure businesses have strategies in place for re-engagement

“Restructuring your organisation is not only a challenging time for you and your business, but it can be an unsettling experience for your employees.” Greg said.

“It is important that you take them with you in the process and that you plan for re engagement of them following the process.

“It is a good idea to get an insight into your employee attitudes and sentiments at the time, perhaps by way of an engagement survey, which will allow you to plan for engagement once the process is completed.”

People HQ offices recently opened new offices with a £30,000+ investment, and means that Greg and his team will be able to provide their holistic HR and recruitment service across Northern Ireland and in the Republic of Ireland.

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