Remote Working Here To Stay So Employees Need To Learn New Skills

Top recruiter warns businesses they need to invest in the right systems & processes 

When it comes to remote working one Northern Ireland recruitment firm says employees need to learn and display new skills to secure work from home roles.

A Global Workplace Analytics report said that since 2009, the number of people who work from home has risen by 159%

Michelle Tyson, director of Tyson Wilson is also warning businesses that they “must invest in the right systems and processes” in order to be able to facilitate a “productive, healthy and happy remote working workforce”. 

Michelle said that although the rise in work from home opportunities originally surged as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic that she believes it’s a trend that’s here to stay.

She added: “The biggest trend that will continue into 2022 and beyond is the working from home and the hybrid working model. 

“Statistics from Upwork say that by 2028, 73% of all departments are expected to have remote workers.

“It is undeniable that many companies are becoming more open to hybrid and work from home after being forced to put systems in place to handle the challenges that come with it during the pandemic.”

According to Michelle what this means is business leaders must now recruit differently for those remote roles.

She explained: “In the call centre industry, for example, companies are looking for a new set of skills for people working from home – they now need to ensure those staff have self motivated, disciplined and proactive traits which whilst beneficial previously were not essential because the working model created an environment in which they had to be productive and were constantly monitored by line managers in person.”

This, in turn, means there can be a more flexible approach to talent acquisition.

Owl Labs reported last year that small companies are twice as likely to hire full-time remote workers than their larger counterparts.

However, whilst the future is bright for hybrid and remote working Michelle said one of the biggest challenges for business leaders has been changing the way in which they communicate with their team.

Research published by Buffer suggested that communication was one of the top three challenges associated with remote work behind “unplugging after work” and “loneliness”.

Michelle explained: “Communication is key. Mutual respect in the team is more vital than ever before – for example, in online meetings everyone has to be given the opportunity to take their turn to speak and leaders and colleagues need to learn how to listen.”

Michelle’s top 6 tips for managers and leaders are:

  1. Be available

Michelle said: “Leaders have to ensure they make time available for the staff to be able to check in and ask questions because in an office environment this is very often done off the cuff or on an adhoc basis.”

  1. Connection with colleagues

“When working from home there needs to be an onus on the business leader to create a culture where people feel connected to their colleagues” said Michelle.

  1. Remove the stigma of struggling

Michelle explained: “It is important that staff understand the importance of speaking up when they feel lonely, disconnected, frustrated or lost as a result of the working from home model.

“This can only be effective if they believe their disclosure of these things won’t have a negative effect on how they are seen and treated by management and colleagues.”

  1. Open lines of communication

“One solution that works for many teams is leaving a Zoom or Google Meet call open all day or having a Microsoft Teams, Facebook messenger, WhatsApp or Slack group can help employees keep in contact with each other throughout the day” said Michelle.

  1. Morning emails

“Another way I find works really well is to have communication every morning with your team” said Michelle, adding: “An email for example rounding up the achievements from the day before, outlining new developments, recognising outstanding work and outlining the work and priorities for the day can help people feel more focused and ultimately more productive.”

  1. End of day reporting

Michelle said: “I’ve also found with many of my clients that having staff email their direct line manager an end of day report helps everyone to keep on top of what other departments and their own teams are doing. An end of week report from all departments to each other is also crucial for larger teams.”

Tyson Wilson currently have a number of remote and hybrid working roles in Bangor, Newry, Belfast, Antrim, Omagh and across Northern Ireland including customer support advisors, customer service operators and customer sales and retentions advisors among many others.

To see these jobs and others go to

For more information on what Tyson Wilson can do for your business contact Michelle at [email protected] 

Issued by Excalibur Press on behalf of Tyson Wilson

For more information, please contact Tina Calder or Chloe Keys, Excalibur Press, 07305354209, [email protected], [email protected].


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