Adapt or Die: The AI Wake-Up Call Every Business Leader Needs to Hear

Here’s the thing, I didn’t really want to embrace AI large language models when I first properly heard about them many years ago.

I was absolutely delighted when Jasper and CopyAI were terrible at writing and they sounded robotic.

I was afraid! As a journalist, copywriter and writer at my core I hated the thought of a robot stealing my job.

Oh how wrong was I…

The reality is, since I embraced AI I am better at EVERYTHING I do. And I’m not being big headed, imagine having a team of people sitting around you all day long waiting to help you brainstorm, ideate, challenge, edit and generally making you a much more informed professional.

So why aren’t more businesses adopting AI?

Let’s cut to the chase, if your business isn’t embracing AI right now, you’re already behind. We’re living in an era where technology isn’t just a tool – it’s the engine driving the entire business landscape. 

Many people would argue that the future of your company hinges on whether or not you are prepared to adapt and lead with AI, or whether you’ll stick your head in the sand and pretend it’s not happening while your competitors leave you behind?

The truth is AI is not negotiable

The reality is harsh, but it’s simple, AI is no longer optional. It’s not a trend or a buzzword, but, in my opinion, the backbone of a modern business and/or marketing strategy. 

From automating repetitive tasks to delivering deep, actionable insights, AI tools are transforming industries at a breakneck pace – do you want to be watching from the sidelines? The companies that get this are the ones already dominating their markets. 

Adopting AI must come from the top

In most cases AI adoption isn’t going to happen from the bottom up – not above the line anyway. Staff are afraid to admit they’re using the tools and worried they might get in trouble. This is leading to mistakes being made, risks not being mitigated and the proper checks and balances not being carried out.

AI won’t magically integrate itself into your operations unless you lead the way. That’s what I did at Excalibur Press. I immediately got on the case, I gave my staff permission to use it, training to support that use and put best practice guidelines and a policy in place to make sure it was being used in line with our company values and vision.

As a leader, it’s your job to find out how AI can support your day to day operations – it doesn’t have to be big, expensive projects. Maybe you are just teaching people to use large language models like ChatGPT, Perplexity, Claude or Gemini to write reports and review information.

This isn’t just about upgrading your tech stack – it’s about fundamentally rethinking how your business operates. Leaders who get it will transform their companies into agile, AI-powered machines. 

Upskill your team or lose them

AI isn’t about replacing people; it’s about enhancing their capabilities. But let’s get real here – your team needs to know how to use it. If you’re not investing in upskilling your employees, you’re setting them – and your business – up for failure. 

I work with many businesses on 1-2-1 basis and training small teams and there’s always someone in the team who says “oh, I know how to use ChatGPT I use it all the time”. Most of the time it turns out this person isn’t even scratching the surface of the capabilities of the LLM and, in one case, was using it so badly their work product had reduced in quality so bad I was brought in to try and stave off disciplinary action. Thankfully that business leader knew they had a responsibility to train their staff member instead of punishing them for trying.

For the team members concerned about AI, the robots aren’t coming for your job – the people who can use AI are!

The future belongs to those who can leverage AI to do more, faster, and smarter. By empowering your people with the tools and knowledge they need to integrate AI into their daily work you can even help reduce overwhelm, stress and workloads in the process. If you don’t, you’ll lose your competitive edge, and possibly your best talent, to companies that do.

Ethics aren’t optional

It is true that with great power comes great responsibility and that’s exactly what having access to AI tools is. 

AI can do amazing things, but if it’s not used ethically, it can cause serious damage – to your reputation, your customer relationships, and your bottom line. 

As a leader you need to set the tone. You must ensure that AI is implemented in a way that’s fair, transparent, and respectful of privacy. It’s not just about avoiding scandals – it’s about building trust with your customers and ensuring that your brand remains a force for good.

The clock is ticking

The AI revolution isn’t waiting for anyone. Businesses that are moving fast, adopting AI, and leveraging it to its full potential are the ones who will thrive. If you’re still on the fence, you’re running out of time. It’s adapt or die. The choice is yours.

Let’s go on this journey together…

In the coming weeks, we’ll dive into the nuts and bolts of how to integrate AI into your business, from practical tools to strategic insights. 

If, in the meantime, you’d like to discuss how I can support you to integrate AI tools such as large language models into your team’s daily workflow don’t hesitate to drop me an email or DM to discuss – [email protected]

Tool of the Week: ChatGPT

  • Why It’s Essential: ChatGPT is a go-to AI tool for transforming how you communicate with customers, generate content, and even brainstorm ideas. Whether you’re crafting emails, creating marketing copy, or needing quick insights, ChatGPT can handle it. 
  • Pro Tip: Begin by using ChatGPT to draft your daily emails or social media posts. Notice how much faster you can generate high-quality content with just a few well-crafted prompts.

Use It Well: Leverage AI to Personalise Your Outreach

  • Why It Matters: Personalisation is key to standing out in today’s crowded market. Use AI to analyse customer data and segment your audience effectively. Then, craft tailored messages that resonate with each group. This not only improves engagement but also drives higher conversion rates.
  • Pro Tip: Use ChatGPT to create different versions of your promotional emails based on customer segments. You’ll be able to personalise content at scale without the heavy lifting.

Did You Know? AI Can Predict Market Trends

  • Interesting Fact: AI isn’t just about automation – it’s also incredibly powerful at analysing data to predict future trends. For example, AI can sift through massive amounts of market data to forecast emerging trends, giving your business a competitive edge by staying ahead of the curve.
  • Pro Tip: Incorporate AI-driven market analysis into your strategic planning. The insights you gain could be the difference between reacting to changes and proactively driving them.

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